Do you feel like you are looking for truth in a world that only seems to offer distractions? Have you explored other religions, only to feel that something was missing? Are you looking for an authentic version of Christianity which carries on the Church as it was established by Christ over two thousand years ago? These questions reflect the concerns of many who come to the Orthodox Church looking for answers, something becoming more and more prevalent as the modern world seems to fail to give our hearts the answers they are seeking for. If you find yourself wrestling with such questions, you may be interested in joining our catechism class. The word catechumen comes from the Greek word for being “under instruction,” and in our class, we give a space for seekers to explore the rich and ancient traditions of the Orthodox Church. To that end, we also offer a class for catechumens which you can learn about here. If you are interested in learning more or scheduling an appointment with a member of our clergy please fill out the form below.

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