Circle of Angels
“For I was sick and you visited me” (Mt. 25:36)

At Christmas and at Pascha, our parishioners make cookies, filling baskets with sweets to distribute on our visits. In addition, the Philoptochos ladies make loaves of bread for us to deliver around these two Church holy days. Additional visits are made at other times of the year to let our people know they are not forgotten. The Circle of Angels welcomes all those who wish to visit the infirm or aged. We always receive more blessings than we give. Please join us!
If interested, contact Carol Halkias:
While it is the priest that we call when our loved one is sick and in the hospital or nursing home, the Circle of Angels visiting ministry of our parish complements the work of the clergy with additional visits to the infirm and aged in our community. As an example of how important these visits are, one member of the Circle of Angels once heard, “You have no idea how much this visit meant to me.” We help our people maintain a warm and caring bond with their church.
Sandwiches for the Homeless

The Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood of Greater Pittsburgh provides 120 lunches every Saturday to be delivered at the Neighborhood Resilience Project center in the Hill District. The Orthodox parishes in the Pittsburgh area take turns volunteering. This ministry was started at Holy Cross in conjunction with the Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood in 1993, and is in its 26th year. Each lunch includes two sandwiches, a beverage, a piece of fruit, and a snack. Previously we delivered to the Salvation Army, Light of Life Mission, and St. Mary’s Church. We are honored to participate with the Neighborhood Resilience Project. Holy Cross Church administers this program.
If interested, contact Cindy Heddaeus: