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Orthros and Divine Liturgy
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church 123 Gilkeson Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin us for the Orthros service (Matins/morning praise), followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. All visitors are welcome! Anyone who is unable to attend in person...
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church 123 Gilkeson Rd, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBible Study
St Photios; Ordination of Dcn. Frank Dickos to the Holy Priesthood
Kimisis Tis Theotokou Church 2111 Davidson St, Aliquippa, PA, United StatesOrdination of Dcn. Frank Dickos to the Holy Priesthood
Catechism Class
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85306853570?pwd=VlAzT1ZrTFAzM0dmOWNFTmRaVHFNZz09