35 events found.
Join us for the Orthros service (Matins/morning praise), followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. All visitors are welcome! Anyone who is unable to attend in person may tune in to our live streaming of services, which is also available on the website.
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85306853570?pwd=VlAzT1ZrTFAzM0dmOWNFTmRaVHFNZz09
Join us for the Orthros service (Matins/morning praise), followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. All visitors are welcome! Anyone who is unable to attend in person may tune in to our live streaming of services, which is also available on the website.
Helen Fisfis 40 days Zachary Stephen Atsidis Gallo 4 years Altar Flowers - Pyros family
Join us for the Orthros service (Matins/morning praise), followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. All visitors are welcome! Anyone who is unable to attend in person may tune in to our live streaming of services, which is also available on the website.
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85306853570?pwd=VlAzT1ZrTFAzM0dmOWNFTmRaVHFNZz09
Join us for the Orthros service (Matins/morning praise), followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. All visitors are welcome! Anyone who is unable to attend in person...
Altar flowers are sponsored in loving memory of Aunt Mary Popovich from Stacy and John Popovich. Altar candles are sponsored in loving memory of Nouna Mary Popovich from Tory and...
Join us for the Orthros service (Matins/morning praise), followed immediately by the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. All visitors are welcome! Anyone who is unable to attend in person may tune in to our live streaming of services, which is also available on the website.
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85306853570?pwd=VlAzT1ZrTFAzM0dmOWNFTmRaVHFNZz09
Join us for the Saturday Vespers (evening praise) service, as we mark the setting of the sun and inaugurate the Lord's Day (Sunday), praising his Resurrection. All visitors are welcome!
For all donations or stewardship pledges that can not go through our online donation service, please use the form below. Someone from the church office will reach out soon.
Need help? Contact us at holycrosspittsburgh@gmail.com or call 412-833-3355.