Thank you for generously supporting the mission of Holy Cross.
Stewardship is not about calculations or portions of percentages. It can’t be reduced to a number of dollars or hours of service offered.
As Orthodox Christians, we are called to a new way of seeing things — a new way of life. Our stewardship is obedience to the greatest commandment to “love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” We are called to bring others to commit their lives to Jesus Christ in such a way that leads to the joy of knowing Him personally and profoundly.
Thank you for pledging to Holy Cross. There are three ways to show you intent for stewardship. The easiest way is to use the e-Giving site, which you can access by clicking here. Or, you can fill out the Pledge form below, and someone from the church office will reach out to set up payment. Finally, you can also call the church office to speak with someone directly about pledging.
Submit your 2019 Holy Cross Church Pledge
Pledge Form
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church
123 Gilkeson Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15228
Telephone — 412-833-3355
Fax — 412-833-3357
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am–5pm